Teaching Note – Theme Hands Free Flow

Don’t know was because I chanted a lot these days or some other reason

Today’s class was so naturally flow, the energy was great, I feel like it was the one until now I felt good with myself

2016 -3-14 Hands Free Sequence


close the eyes,  

Turn  your attention inward, Let go whatever has happened today

notice the quality of your energy, your breath, simply observe any sensation that might come up, just let it flow away with your breath. Watch the thoughts as they come and go, keep bringing your awareness back to your breathing, and gradually deepen your inhale, and deepen your exhale,  add length and depth  

Apply ujjyai breathing if you feel comfortable with,

Let the soft sound coming from the back of the throat  help you relax the tension and keep focus.

Be fully present with your body

Let the steady rhythm of your breath help you focus and prepare you for your practice today.


With breathing out , release whatever you don’t need right now


Slowly open the eyes and begin todays practice


Sitting Cat Cow

Sitting Twist

Hands arms reach forward

Sitting twist with extended arms



We come up to Samsattithi

Feet together or a bit distance apart ,Knee, hips joints warm up ( from Dani)

Standing side Bend


Half forward fold 3-4 rounds


In reach arms out

Out forward fold

Grab elbows , release the neck, let go the weight keep the breath flowing

In half way up, ex forward fold, 2 more times



High Lunge squat exercise

High Lunge Arms extended Twist


LOW Lunge with elbows open and close

Exhale bring your left foot back , drop the left knee down to low lunge

Inhale , rise the body with your elbows bend

Inhale, move the elbows back lift the chest up, exhlae, bring elbows and forward together squeeze, 3 more


High Lunge runner twist

Bring your fingertips to the floor

Lift the knee up and right arm up

Use the strength of your legs, stay light on your hands, breath into your back

Stay one more inhale in the twist

Exhale, release your right hand down to the floor, step left foot forward



Relax your upper body completely on your thigh, relax your head

You can let your hand hanging on the floor or cuddle the elbows if you feel better

Take a free more deep breath here


Pandagushutasana – enjoy the lengthen of the back of the legs

Pada Hastasana


Warrior I + intense stretch flow, ( inhale W1 exhale bend forward with arm reach front 3 rounds) , then intense stretch hold 3 breaths


One leg extend out with arms up


Inhale, arms reach up, ex right arm above the left arm , bend the knees, shift the weight on the right foot,  left thigh over your right thigh,


Warrior II movement, inhale straight legs, ex bend the knees

Reversed W


Standing Spilts


High Lunge Movement

Inhale, lift and open the chest, exhale lean forward chest to thigh, reach arms back ( 5 rounds)

Last one pause here, prepare for warrior 3


Hands on the waist, step back foot if you need to , then shift the weight onto the left foot, lift the right leg up, maintain the hips level, strong core, gaze steady,  after you find the balance, slowly lean forward and lift the back leg higher , stay here or spread arms to aside

Back to high lunge


Wide legged , side lunges movement ( 4-5 times each side)

Feel your inner thighs, your ankles and the knees

Wide legged forward bend D ( grab toe or the ankels)

Use your power of the leg to bring yourself all the way up




W 2   

Wide legged forward B C


side stretch,

half moon — bring your back foot closer first, move your hand 45 degree forward enough to support your balance, begin to bring your back leg up, open your hips and shoulders to stack on each other,  keep the standing leg strong, you are almost there, stay with it, 3 2 1



Toes squat down to

Malasana, keep the breath going



Shalabasana A B ( finger interlace)


Forarm plank



Baddha Konasana – be patient with your exploration of the pose

Half Pigeon–lean to the right, keep the right leg bend in front of you, bring the left leg back, keep the hips evenas much as you can, hips are square with the front of the mat,

With finger tips on the floor, Inhale, lift the heart, exhale, wave down, inhale wave up 3 -4 rounds, to sink down to pigeon, we stay here for some moments, stay with your breath.


Lift back foot, toward the heel to the hips, grab the ankel with the hand or the elbow,

Mermaid or not



Marichy C


Roll down and roll up few times, inhale arms out, exhale, roll down, inhale pause prepre, ex slowly rise.  3 more rounds




Lying Pigeon + half happy baby


Teaching Note Theme- Twisting

Theme: Twisting


Apply ujjayi if familiar, if not, just focus on the same length of inhalation and exhalation, listen to the sound of your breathing,


Opening Meditation Script

“Take your time entering a posture of your choice –  Move around here as little or as much as you need to fully settle into the pose. [Pause.]”

Invite your attention toward inward, just to check in , notice in this moment your energy quality, how you breath,  Are you tired? Stressed? or feel peace . Without judgment or comparison, allow this information to inform how to encounter yourself on that mat.

Begin to bring awareness to your breath. Notice the unconscious rhythm of your inhales and exhales. As you observe, slowly begin to consciously posture your breath adding length and depth on the inhales and exhales. Throughout class we will use Ujjayi breath and focus on equal inhale and exhale through the nose. When you find your mind wandering, bring yourself back to the audible sound of your breath. Your breath will accompany you throughout your practice.”

Take a moment here to devote your practice to something or someone. Reflect on your purpose for showing up, for carving out time for Self, for your yoga practice.  


Allow the eyes to softly close.

If it’s comfortable, breathe in and out through your nose; otherwise, breathe with your mouth when needed.

Begin to bring your awareness inwards, to your breath.

Notice how your breath feels, and where it is in your body.

Relax your jaw

low your tongue to rest on the roof of your mouth. Relax the space between the eyebrows.

Slowly start to deepen the breath, bringing it deeper into your belly.

As you inhale, feel your belly expand like a balloon; as you exhale, feel your navel draw toward your spine.

As your breath draws deeper into your belly, there is very little movement, if any, from the chest.

We are now doing what’s called the “yogic breath” or “belly breath”. This allows for the deepest kind of breathing, replenishing the body and mind, and preparing it for your yoga practice.

Begin to inhale to a breath count of 5, and exhale to a breath count of 5, counting your own 5 deep breaths.

[Allow class to finish 5 breath cycles]

Slowly start to return tAllow the eyes to softly close.

If it’s comfortable, breathe in and out through your nose; otherwise, breathe with your mouth when needed.

Begin to bring your awareness inwards, to your breath.

Notice how your breath feels, and where it is in your body.

Relax your jaw, and alo a normal, comfortable, pace of breathing.

Take one last deep inhale, and as you exhale open your eyes.


Warm Up:

  • squeeze shoulders toward the ears, with exhale , relax, inhale squeeze, exhale release them
  • roll shoulders follow your rhythm of breathing
  • inhale, raise arms up,shoulders roll back,  circle the wrists . lengthen as you inhale, turn the shoulder back as you exhale, ribs do not pop out
  • interlace fingers, turn to left, turn to right


Table Pose

Needle , extend the opposite  leg back,  

Cat cow, bring your chest forward,exhale, round your back, inhale, stretch whole front of your body



padding feet


Plank– little cobra–plank– downdog X 2

inhale, to plank, chatarange, updog or cobra,  downdog



Forward bend to standing

Hands on the shoulder blades , elbows point up

Knees and hips warm up, circle ankles , kick , circle knee joints, roll hip joints


SSA 2 rounds

(Inhale, circle your arms up

shoulders no lower than the elbows

press up through your hands and feet

Cues in Downdog: ears between the arms, reach heels toward the floor, spinning inner thigh back, )


Vinyasa A ,

right foot forard to low lunge, inhale arm up, exhale twist,

(chataranga, inhale, pressing up , exhale to downdog then left foor forward

sending right hip forward

nice strectching of the thigh and ip flexor

widen collar bone)


SSB 2 rounds


SSB 3rd — W 1, warrior 2, reversed warrior, side stretch with upper arm up, lower arm forward,  back to WII, Trikonasana

inhale pressing up, ex downdog

left side , drop your right arm to reversed warroor

turning your torso toward up


Chair, chair twist, twist extend arms,


High Lunge, extend arms twist, inhale arms up open the chest, exhale lean forward  hands front the heart, twist, high lunge twist bind


Forward bend with hands on elbows relax the neck and spine



intense stretch ( reach through the crown of your head) , reversed triangle (left arm extend forward, pull right hip back and twist, bend first to half then adjust the hips then move deeper, shoulders align to each other ), reversed half moon ,  through vinyasa to standing then another side


Baddha Konasana


Purvatasana ( reversed Table)

Adhra Baddha Padma pashimottanasana ( with Siggi variation)

hand grab opposite foot , extend arm twist out

Cow Face, Double pigeon with twist, Marichyasana C( arms extend twist first )





Spinal Twist



A Guided Savasana

Lie on your back in savasana. Gently rock your head from side to side. Separate your feet about eight to ten inches apart. Your palms face upward; fingers are naturally curled. Gently close your eyes.

Make yourself as comfortable as possible and remain in this position


Let the whole body be soft, heavy and easy. Let it feel like you’re melting into the earth below.

Relax everywhere, letting your eyes fall backward, away from the eyelids, your tongue lightly resting on the roof of your mouth.  

Relax the crown of your head and the brain, allowing both sides of your head to release to the floor. Relax your forehead, eyebrows, eyes, eye sockets and the space between the eyebrows (the mind’s eye), your cheeks and chin. Soften the temples, the jaw and your neck and throat center.

Relax from the shoulder joints to the elbows to the wrists and fingertips. Feel the energy in the palms of your hands.

Let the movement of your breathing loosen the shoulder blades, mid-back to lower back. Let all the wide muscles of the back release to the ground completely. Let go over and over again through the breath.

Soften the heart center, the rib cage, the abdominal organs and pelvis. Feel yourself let go of any toxins with a long, slow, deep exhale. Feel the life force (prana) entering your consciousness with a long, slow, deep inhale.

Soften the hips in and around the hip sockets, then breathe all the way down the thighs, knees, calves, ankles, feet, toes, tips of the toes and the soles of your feet. Continue releasing with your breath until you are wide open like the heavens.

Remain here several minutes, Clear your mind of the past and the future, and when it wanders, simply bring it back to the breath.


Bring yourself down onto your back , make yourself comfortable, and let your feet flop open, shoulder blades tucked under you, palms open to the sky and chin tucked gently towards your chest to lengthen the back of your neck. Find a place where you feel completely supported from the earth.

Let your eyes closed and start to soften the tensions.

Bring your awareness to your feet and let your heels melt into the floor and feel the floor melt beneath your heels.  Relax your ankles and your calves.  See your kneecaps from underneath, visualizing ligaments and tendons, relaxing the undersides of your knees.  Let your thighbones fall heavily back towards your hamstrings and release your hips towards the earth.

Breathe into your lower back, your middle back, and your upper back.  Let your shoulders melt down towards your elbows, wrists, hands and fingers.  Feel your throat and neck melting like warm wax.  Let go of the tight spots underneath your tongue and behind your ears.  Let your brain fall back towards the earth as the back of your skull softens.

Relax the muscles around your mouth, around your nose, around your eyes.  Let your eyes fall back in their sockets, the space between your eyes widening and softening. And let your awareness rest at the center of your forehead, between your eyebrows, as your open to stillness, peace, clarity, love (choose whatever you like!).

slowly begin to deepen your breath as you come back to this room and back to your body

bring small movements into your fingers , toes, into your wrists , ankles

slowly turn your head from side to side

stretch your arms over the head

roll to aside and resting there


when you are ready, use your hand to support yourself sit up to comfortable seated position

bring our hands to our heart center