Yoga 365 – Dropping Back 

Dropping Back 

No it’s not easy for me. And I can’t do it without a long warm up. It is not the first time I did it , but even after the first time I successfully did it there were still more times I could not lower my hands down onto the mat than I could. But I think even I just hanged there for some breathes , nothing goes in vain . Like @kinoyoga said “do it 1000 times and you will just crack the surface of the depth of this practice . ” It’s very easy to let the ego lead our practice , very easy to only see the surface from all the social media but forgot the depth and the real meaning of practice . We have our life long to practice to crack the surface of this great practice, don’t rush , really enjoy every moment of the practice , love it fully no matter it’s so called good or bad practice . 💕🙏🏻 #backtobackbends @beachyogagirl

Yoga 365 – Urdhva Dhanurasana / Wheel Pose

Urdhva Dhanurasana | Wheel Pose

Excuse me for taking the photo from yesterday’s practice , because today is the rest day! 🙆🏻😆 I’m curious what do you do on your Ashtanga rest day ? Please leave comments . And this pose is the one I will never perform it without enough warm up which means to me the whole primary series sequence before this pose. In Ashtanga we do three times of this , usually my first and third will have lots difference , this was obviously the third one . What deep back bend taught me are the importance of deep breathing  , not giving up but surrender at the same time.

I love to watching yoga videos of explaining the anatomy and alignment then I will try them on myself to find the best way for me . External rotate the shoulders help to open more and offer more strength of the shoulders , think about more pointing (lifting) the sternum forward , really press down both of the heels to help engage more the thighs . Then breathe breathe breathe . 🙏🏻💨🔥

#backtobackbends @kinoyoga @beachyogagirl

Practice Journal – 2015.7.15

Yesterday I read the text from Day : Isn’t there a IMG_8429mental dialogue everyday? I have to go practice… I don’t want to get up. I’ll feel better if I go… It’d be really nice to have an extra two hours in my day…

haha, I also have this kind of mental dialogue everyday when I wake up, even I love yoga so much, but I am still trying to get rid of many my bad habtis, such as, take my phone when at the moment I open my eyes, it usually wasted me lots of time, then I feel hungry….then I would start to think maybe i just skip today..or then I skip my morning Gongyo..

Day has a really great perspective of this kind of mental dialog which she said we can look at this from tow different points of view: One regards it as dividing us from the object of our desire; in that case we count every step of our journey over it as something attained by force in the face of obstruction. The other sees it as the road which leads us to our destination; and as such it is part of our goal.

So its all part of my goal, it is all a victory even I just do some sun salutations, as long as I step on my mat, i am a little bit closer to the destination.

The most difficult part is really to step on the mat, once I started , even the first Ekam inhale, I feel that I am in the practice , I am in the Asana and I feel such thankfulness which beyond words can describe.

Today I again almost cry while doing Marichyasana series, I really don’t know why, maybe one day I will or maybe not. That is really one of the reason I love Ashtanga so much. It gives me chance to feel grateful , be feel I am alive, to see within myself, to reveal the emotions which I may don’t even realized.

Today I starte to add bow pose into my practice, looking forward to ses if tIMG_8590here will be any different at the end of the year.

Standing up from Wheel is more possible but still need to control when the moment I get up .

BY they start 30 days Interval yoga challenge, I start my own Ashtanga 45 days challenge! haha